Critter of the Week: Ornitholestes

Meet Opie. He’s a happy little fella who loves to curl up in your lap, so it’s a good thing he’s about the size of a big dog!


Yes, Opie seems to think he’s a big lapdog, and he loves it when you stroke his feathers.  Where is he off to now?  It looks like he’s going to show you his favorite toy…Opie carries Teddy around everywhere.  He’s gone through quite a few “surgeries” to poke the stuffing back in after Opie nibbled on him.

Opie's bed copy.jpg

Oh! That’s Miss Kitty peaking around the corner.  She’s a little shy after Opie tried playing a game of snatch with her.  He’s just a big softie though, and he only wants to play.  He’ll get a little droopy when Miss Kitty doesn’t understand.  So he’ll curl up in his bed to snuggle with Teddy, and he’ll chirp happy chirps when he snuggles.  He sounds a lot like this…

Speaking of soft and cuddly, those feathers are rather like those on an emu or kiwi.  Looks a lot like fur, doesn’t it? 🙂

Emu feathers.  Photo courtesy of Amanda Slater (2009)

Making progress…

Getting along spiffily (is that a word?) on my little storybook, Dippy vs. Ball.  Here’s what I have so far on one of the spreads.  A handy little map so we can take a little stroll around Dippy’s hometown to meet the neighbors.

Dear Hubby had a few good pointers, like making the map lighter so the foliage is more easily seen.  And since I’m sure you’re wondering what all these awesome plants (you like plants right? 😛 ) and critters are, I’m adding an extra page or two with super tiny tidbits on each.  So you’ll be able to tell which of those green things are ferns, horsetails, or araucaria.

And just so you know…because plants are secretly super awesome…there are three ferns (if you count the tree fern), three horsetails, and two araucaria trees in this spread.

It still needs a lot more critters (not all dinosaurs), and a few more plants.  Mostly just a cycad or two (or three, ’cause they’re awesome and I can 😛 )

Oh, and one more thing before we get to the picture- there is no grass.  🙂  We don’t see any of that until around the time T-rex comes around, which won’t be for a while yet.

map2 flat.jpg

Do you recognize any critters or plants?  Or perhaps you have some feedback on if it looks crowded or not?  I’d love to hear from you in the comments! 😀

Coming Next Week…

This handsome fellow just likes to spend a quiet afternoon near a special friend. 🙂

Share your guess in the comments! He’s one of the critters over on the critter page. 🙂

7 thoughts on “Critter of the Week: Ornitholestes

  1. Haha, judging by his description, I can imagine what Opie’s energy bar would look like on his future critter page. 😛

    I don’t think it looks crowded. It looks good! I can just imagine that in a game. 🙂 But maybe you could try making the text a little more obvious? I don’t find it very hard to read, but some people might. ^^


    1. Hi Brownie! Thank you for your feedback 🙂

      The map does look like it could be in a game…I have a few plans for it later on down the road, but I’m trying not to dream up too many grand plans before the first book is even out!

      I’ll see what I can do about the text. I’m not too happy with it at the moment, so your feedback confirmed my suspicions.

      I’ll schedule in new critter pages slowly. I’ll be focusing on making more progress on the book first. I’ll have to upload a new critter page as I finish illustrations for the book. 🙂

      Opie would be an excitable critter indeed. Mostly mornings and evenings, he sleeps all day and parties at night. 😀


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